Hand Tied Valentines Day Bouquet


Gift the valentine in your life a gorgeous hand tied bouquet with designers choice of flowers utilizing unique, in season blooms. Wrapped in a paper sleeve and tied with ribbon. *Image shown above is an example of color palette, classic Valentines Day colors (pinks, reds, peach and purple tones).

Florals will be available for pick up or delivery 9am to 4pm on Thursday 2.13 + Friday 2.14 (Valentines Day)

We have moved from our OTR location so this year we are offering delivery within the I275 loop or pick up at our friends SKT Ceramics Studio in Walnut Hills or their Findlay Market Booth! Please select which option you prefer when checking out.

If you have any questions or requests send us an email at thebuddingfloristcincy@gmail.com

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Gift the valentine in your life a gorgeous hand tied bouquet with designers choice of flowers utilizing unique, in season blooms. Wrapped in a paper sleeve and tied with ribbon. *Image shown above is an example of color palette, classic Valentines Day colors (pinks, reds, peach and purple tones).

Florals will be available for pick up or delivery 9am to 4pm on Thursday 2.13 + Friday 2.14 (Valentines Day)

We have moved from our OTR location so this year we are offering delivery within the I275 loop or pick up at our friends SKT Ceramics Studio in Walnut Hills or their Findlay Market Booth! Please select which option you prefer when checking out.

If you have any questions or requests send us an email at thebuddingfloristcincy@gmail.com

Gift the valentine in your life a gorgeous hand tied bouquet with designers choice of flowers utilizing unique, in season blooms. Wrapped in a paper sleeve and tied with ribbon. *Image shown above is an example of color palette, classic Valentines Day colors (pinks, reds, peach and purple tones).

Florals will be available for pick up or delivery 9am to 4pm on Thursday 2.13 + Friday 2.14 (Valentines Day)

We have moved from our OTR location so this year we are offering delivery within the I275 loop or pick up at our friends SKT Ceramics Studio in Walnut Hills or their Findlay Market Booth! Please select which option you prefer when checking out.

If you have any questions or requests send us an email at thebuddingfloristcincy@gmail.com